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來源:尚品中國(guó)| 類型:網(wǎng)站百科| 時(shí)間:2012-07-24
簡(jiǎn)單的來說,網(wǎng)站制作就是網(wǎng)站通過頁面結(jié)構(gòu)定位,合理布局,圖片文字處理,程序設(shè)計(jì),數(shù)據(jù)庫設(shè)計(jì)等一系列工作的總和,也是將網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)師的圖片用HTML方式展示出來,屬于前臺(tái)工程師的一項(xiàng)任務(wù),前臺(tái)工程師任務(wù)包括: 網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)、網(wǎng)站用戶體驗(yàn)、網(wǎng)站JAVA效果、網(wǎng)站制作等工作。網(wǎng)站制作是網(wǎng)站策劃師、網(wǎng)絡(luò)程序員、網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計(jì)師等崗位,應(yīng)用各種網(wǎng)絡(luò)程序開發(fā)技術(shù)和網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計(jì)技術(shù),為企事業(yè)單位、公司或個(gè)人在全球互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上建設(shè)站點(diǎn),并包含域名注冊(cè)和主機(jī)托管等服務(wù)的總稱。但是網(wǎng)站制作通常會(huì)陷入下面幾個(gè)誤區(qū):
Simply speaking, the website production is the web site through the page structure positioning, rational layout, picture word processing, program design, database design and a series of work combined, and are also the web designer pictures with HTML way to show out, belongs to the front desk engineer a task, front desk engineer tasks including: web design, website user experience, website JAVA effect, the website production, etc. The website production is web site planner, network programmers, web designer positions, use all sorts of network program development technology and web design technology, for the enterprises and institutions, company or individual in the global Internet construction site, and includes the domain name registration and hosting services floorboard. But the website production usually led some pitfalls below:

誤區(qū)一(Error a):

The family has what I also want to some idea, the page with pictures, Flash, music and many other enterprise boss often say you see my opponent XXX website how good, what functions there, pictures, Flash, music, web pages and beautiful and good-looking, to help me to get a more beautiful web site to spell with him a spell! Think like this is really sad, the website not to do good, also absolutely not in whose web site than beautiful! The real key is that you hope website, can provide what practical function? As long as a web site to meet had design conception, can help enterprise shorten the working flow of time or improve work efficiency, and this is a useful websites. Especially if your idea is change again, regardless of your website is outsource or by the company IT staff by building on its own, run into so of boss, this website want to chance of success will be slim.

In fact the Internet speed is to see, if add too much FLASH web page, or hang up too many pictures, transmission speed will be affected, so to general lack of confidence in the customer, it was easy to because he wouldn't wait patiently the download is complete, and the choice is midway jump away. And so, again beautiful web won't someone see! According to our service experience, more and more customers choose practical website, do not wish to choose too fancy website. Because really have no patience to wait for like SHOCKWAVE program so long download time; In addition a clean, clear; the web is easier to read, customers can find him in a very short time to information, don't have to be too much visual pollution interference. So enterprise web design do not need too many artists, because to see beautiful pictures, customers have the right on the web site can be natural, don't have to waste time and money of customers to download.

If you are running your own online business, your web site is the most important task is the sale of your product or service, and any other from the basic principle of things are rubbish. If you still don't agree with my point of view, you go first look at any of the first 100's web site. Take the most famous Yahoo Internet (Yahoo) for, you see Yahoo's websites with Java program, plug-ins, or heard music? Don't need to explain?


Only stay in enterprise image and product information release on many companies in the load information process, the first thought is the company products, brief introduction, company promotion information posted on the company's website. This practice is at best multiple electronic bulletin board only, no use of network interactive function. As the traditional industry operators are a conservative, so for the initiative suggestion will have mostly. In fact, the website should be set up by the network marketing perspective. In other words, whether can you through the network, in the current marketing channel beyond, provide a between enterprises and consumers direct contact with communication channels, and provide enterprise another sales model opportunity. Therefore, the traditional industry to web site, should by the marketing director Angle priority thinking. The second Angle is from management point to think, such as company in the whole province has many business offices or branches, all kinds of network of official documents between transfer or whether the allocation of resources through web site, in order to improve performance.

誤區(qū)三(Error three):

A long time not update once, don't pay attention to collect feedback information, not in accordance with feedback information make corresponding adjustment if a website of the material a month to update a please, who will be interested in this web site? Of course material update and maintenance cost, because we are not doing a portal or professional website, not need daily update; If can do weekly updates or every two weeks update, and in the website where update time or forecast next update time, will help inform the customer can get the Internet when to get the latest information. Another so-called "live" live web site, also means to have the interaction mechanism with customers, such as email list system, message board or customer service system, etc. Of course, not all things to all have the function. According to the website must be positioning, choose suitable death mechanism; As for the processing of the opinions of the customer, and shall immediately, can't let customers on the website lose confidence!

Some people tend to ignore the very important point, that's website the future is by visitors to the site of the decision, make them satisfied often is your first priority. I once had such experience. The early website construction, often have readers complain page code and Chinese fold a line has problems, and later after the study, the change of the page set, basically solved the problem, so that our traffic better. Especially important is, if we have no active to seek the reader feedback, we might never realize our mistake.

So must attach importance to the visitor feedback, for those who are going to buy your product or service customers in these visitors center, only understand their feelings, to make you succeed.

誤區(qū)四(Error four):

Can not efficiently manage email, no established very good user E-mail groups, the precious waste time on useless job with your customers and potential customers the E-mail exchange between both can let you success, also can let you to fail. It's hard for you to have the opportunity to communicate with them alone and impress, seize this opportunity is very important.

我們每天都會(huì)收到人們發(fā)來的商務(wù)電子郵件,許多郵件寫得就象10歲小孩的作品:錯(cuò)別字連篇,語法錯(cuò)誤,格式混亂,難以閱讀…… 每個(gè)人都會(huì)犯錯(cuò)誤,所謂人無完人嘛,但這并不是你犯錯(cuò)誤的借口。安裝一個(gè)好的電子郵件軟件,學(xué)會(huì)其使用方法,確保你的文字沒有錯(cuò)別字、語法錯(cuò)誤等。別忘了,這是你留給別人的第一印象。
We received every day from people of business E-mail, many mail to write like 10 years old children work: wrong character English, grammar mistakes, format chaos, hard to read... Every man is liable to error, the so-called: nobody's perfect, but this is not an excuse you make a mistake. Install a good email software, learn to its use method, ensure your text no wrong character, grammar mistakes, etc. Don't forget, this is your first impression of the left to others.

This is very important! If you have no through the email groups and your customers and potential customers to stay connected words, you are actually in the bill to throw when waste paper.

People only they know and trust from the people there to buy things, and show them you very efficient it is to let people trust you the best way. Maintain good a update information E-mail groups can let you always keep in contact with the audience. You can use it to send updated notice or new product site news. You'll never have to worry that they'll forget you, because of your name or brand always on top. You can even sell advertising. But don't forget the most important point: you want to build up people to trust you and keep good customer relations.

On an Internet marketing workers, most valuable property is the time, sometimes time more important than money. And time is very limited resources, so you must tell your priorities are. If you don't know what is important market activities, what is not, then you are a waste of precious time.

Someone will search engines as a magic weapon, even somebody think as long as in the search engine to search results ranked top 10, can overnight. This is just a fabulous, don't waste your precious time in that top.

You should pay special attention to one thing is try to make you work each day as automation, including execute the order. In order to succeed online, you must also will spend most of the time you in advertising and do marketing it.

誤區(qū)五(Error five):

Using the appropriate advertising means and ruin your reputation maybe you heard people say, send spam is doing business on the Internet in the good method. But this is a great mistake.

If you tend to practice a word in person, don't blame me didn't warn you. If you can give a junk mail make money through the example I can quote you 10 through the normal way to earn more examples. You did not need to send those annoying spam.

And sending spam is similar to the news group discussion or BBS send irrelevant ads. There are so many online advertising way, why must use the backlash of way? And don't talk about moral problem, this behavior far from what business sense.

As an online market workers, your reputation is very important assets. And send spam is the fastest way to destroy it. If you're thinking about a long-term strategy, please do not use junk mail.

誤區(qū)六(Error six):

Forget the marketing is the key to success if you don't tell someone, even if your product is the best in the world, you also don't sell. Without advertising is no potential customers, no potential customers can't sales, it seems is the most common sense, but also is the most common pitfalls.

To want to be a success in business, you only need to do two things. First, you need to develop a profitable business model. Unless your product or service is proof is of value and you may make you sales profit, any other things are not mature. Don't waste time on useless things, test is very important. When you set up reliable business model later, you should be focused on promotion. If every time you sales can make $10 words, you only need to find the 100000 customers can make 1 million....... Marketing is the business of the blood.

誤區(qū)七(Error seven):

Don't think efforts to get rich this a not limited to Internet field, and the risk is the same. Whether online or offline, to make money, but you have to pay a labor. A successful business model can be formed overnight, it is you stayed up how many night to finish. If someone says to want to teach you a effort can make money of method, run it, the sooner the better.

Want to quickly get rich psychological in online seems to be particularly popular. But the fact is no ordinary people can do that. Follow the fraud results only delay the true success just. Hurry up to accept it, : there is no free lunch!

I really can't imagine why get rich quick psychology in the Internet will so common, but I only know one thing, that is not to make money online in secret, as long as effort some, plus a bit perseverance, almost anyone can be successful.

誤區(qū)八(Error eight):

Do not understand the Internet the true power of the Internet is a communication tool, it is built for this. You can maximize the use of it. It is the most convenient, the most cheap will communicate to the business information of the target audience way.

You can use the power of the Internet to a large number of customers touch throughout the world. You can also provide traditional ways cannot be likened to customer service. In addition, you can also use the Internet to collect information, research competitors, and contact with others.












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